For years I’ve taught a very simple formula at the beginning of my courses in communication. It’s a simple math-like formula:
And by the transitive property of addition, this formula then must also be true:
Okay, even I can admit that it’s a bit cheeky, but it’s memorable for those I’ve taught. Sometimes, many years later, former students will reach back out to me and tell me that they now understand what I meant.
Invariably, when I’m told somebody has a leadership issue, it’s likely also a communication issue.
People are not following the leader because they do not understand them, agree with them, or trust them. All these reasons (and more) are likely communication issues. And, as you can already see, when a leader is described as having “communication issues” it’s unlikely that others are following them. They are, quite simply, not leading.
While I began using this formula in the courses that I created and taught at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, over the years I’ve come to see this message is even more crucial for the scientific community.
Each year since 2018 I’ve had the privilege to interact with the Schmidt Science Fellows, a cohort of truly rising stars in a wide range of STEM fields. My primary task is to help them understand the basics of an investor pitch so they can secure outside funding to support their innovations and research.
My greater goal is to help these brilliant scientists see that effective communication can become their super power.
It’s not just a “nice to have,” like being a good teacher when you are up for tenure review. It’s a critical value for scientists today to become the thought leaders we need them to be. Our planet is in a world of hurt right now from threats our predecessors never had to face. Yes, certainly, climate change and COVID-19 have loomed large, but so are less visible threats to our health, quality of life, and well-being.
In my view, there are three sequential steps toward the solutions we need:
We must attract talent to the sciences. Our best and brightest young people should be encouraged to explore the field and supported to find their place there. To enable them to thrive, it’s not simply promoting the opportunities but mentoring those who show promise.
We must empower our scientists to innovate radically. We don’t simply need incremental progress on these existential threats; we need out-of-the-box solutions never before considered.
Our scientists must then communicate effectively to drive policy, discovery, and innovation. Only by using their voices with strength and credibility can we bring their solutions to life beyond the research lab.
The three-part punch of talent, innovation, and communication can bring about lasting solutions to our most vexing problems. Analogous to a tripod, we need all three to be strong and present to realize these much-needed solutions.
Without our scientists also stepping up to acquire strong leadership communication skills, promising ideas may flounder without support or thrive in a purely “academic” environment with little to no chance of making an impact.
Note: A version of this column appeared on the Schmidt Science Fellows website on February 13, 2024. The Schmidt Science Fellows approach does exactly this. They identify promising talent, empower them to push the envelope with skills in innovation, and train them to communicate their breakthroughs in a clear, compelling, and confident manner. It brings me hope to support such scientific leaders so early in their journey.
In each edition of CommMatters I like to share what else on the web has inspired me. Here are today’s ideas for you. Please let me know what you’ve enjoyed.
Reading: This post from the Hattawy Group discusses the challenging skill of translating research into thought leadership.
Seeing: I’ve become fascinated with the research that the Baszucki Group has sponsored on the link between ketogenics and mental health; explore the Metabolic Mind YouTube channel to learn more.
Hearing: I’m only a few chapters in, but am loving the audio version of Kara Swisher’s Burn Book: a tech love story. One of my clients will be interviewing her in April and I’m fascinated by Kara’s approach to her book tour.
Great article JD
100%. I've always thought of communication as the channel through which leadership unfolds. Love that you are working with scientists, and thank you for the research into thought leadership article share. So many valuable research papers never make the impact they should because of the inability to get the word out to a broader audience. I think we need more skilled "interpreters" of such. There are too few right now.