Preparing and sharing an origin story
We all get asked a form of “how did you get into what you do now?” Whether in a formal job interview, a casual conversation at a networking event, or a coffee chat with a new friend, it’s going to come up. It’s a common enough occurrence that we should be prepared with a few different answers based on the situation.
When asked how I found my passion to teach, I often trace it back to the morning of 9/11. I was finishing my MBA at NYU Stern, taking night classes while working days for an e-learning startup, hoping to land a job post-graduation on my way to becoming a chief learning officer. I had only four courses left when the world as we knew it changed in an instant.
That morning, I was a TA in an undergrad communication class when the attacks occurred. Over the next several days, I helped organize a campaign to call all 2,100 part-time students to check on their safety and see what they needed. By Friday of that week, I had become markedly closer to my school but had also been let go by my employer, which had numerous clients in and around the World Trade Center.
I approached the advising office and requested to transfer to the full-time MBA program, essentially adding two day classes to my evening load so I could graduate earlier. They agreed, and I grew even closer to my NYU experience. That fall, I asked one of my favorite professors, Mike Lennox, what it would take for me to teach. He explained the role of clinical faculty (or lecturers) and that only a master’s degree would be required, not a doctorate.
A few weeks later, Mike discovered he was double scheduled for the spring semester, and they were scrambling to fill his 8 AM undergrad strategy course. He recommended me, and I went from MBA student in December to adjunct faculty in January. Over two decades later, I’ve spun this chance occurrence into a career I cherish.
I can tell this story with more flourish and details or with a different emphasis, but in essence, that’s my higher ed origin story. I’ve developed it according to a five-step process drawn from the work of Andy Raskin:
Once upon a time … how life was, the status quo (MBA-student-by-night looking to graduate)
Then one day … describe a life-changing event (9/11 attacks and job loss)
Because of that … what relevant events were set in motion (full-time student finishing earlier)
Until finally … a turning point that brought forth a new path (chat with Prof. Lenox)
So now … the destination of my journey (over 20 years of teaching)
What I like about Raskin’s framework is that it does not feel forced or overengineered. In fact, it’s rather conversational and logical, but its elegance is its simplicity. I now have origin stories to answer how I married Ken, how we started a family, even how I left Hays, Kansas, and ended up in San Francisco.
So, I’m curious “How did you end up doing what you do now?” Tell me a story. I’d love to hear yours since you’ve now heard mine.
JD’s Recommendations: what I’m reading, hearing, and seeing:
Reading: Andy Raskin’s blog mentioned above To Quickly Build Trust, Tell Your Origin Story.
Hearing: Seth Godin’s podcast, Akimbo, Season 12: Episode 18 Origin Stories: where did you get your special powers
Seeing: Roger Manix’s TEDx Asbury Park talk: Play Your Way to Joy
February is a short month, but I’m still hoping to break 500 subscribers before we hit March. If you’ve not yet subscribed, click here. If you’re already a subscriber, invite others to do the same.
As always, jds
P.S. I’m delighted to announce we have secured spaces and dates for three Realize the Result one-day workshops (created by my husband Ken and me). Join us for an incredible day to help you achieve mastery in your next presentation. We’re offering this in late March in SF, late April in KC, and late May in NYC. (We chose cities you know by their acronyms!)