I recall vividly the milk crate of VHS tapes I carried back and forth from my office to the classroom at NYU in 2003 when I began teaching presentation skills. Each student had a videotape (younger readers can explore that term here on Wikipedia) on which each of their presentations was recorded so they could self-review and I could grade. Today, particularly after COVID sent us all home from work and school, we have numerous ways to quickly capture, edit and share online videos. The challenge is not creating a video: it’s creating a compelling video that will represent you effectively.
I’m continually finding that videos are expected of candidates applying for jobs, entrepreneurs raising funds, students seeking admission and the list goes on. So, gentle readers, today’s Communication Matters, is dedicated to helping you make a solo video that helps you realize the result you seek with seven simple tips.
Make eye contact with your camera lens. Nothing annoys me more than a video call where the other person looks down and to the right instead of directly at the camera. Companies like Plexicam and Center Cam offer high-tech solutions, but I simply glue “googly eyes” next to my camera lens to remind me where to look. Above you can see exactly what my screen looks like during a recent interview with my friend Bronwyn Saglimbeni.
Ensure you are well-lit, ideally from the front. Some speakers prefer ring lights, but I find the image of the rings on glasses and in eyeballs distracting. Just avoid backlighting, which can make you into a silhouette.
Guarantee you can be heard. Be sure to have a trustworthy microphone and (ideally) a wired connection to the web for the best fidelity. It’s not simply “unmuting” yourself but being sure the sound is clear and sharp when you speak.
Reference notes lightly (if at all). We can tell when you are reading a manuscript to us. Create an outline, instead, and have it in large font, likely printed on paper.
Refer to your notes as little as possible, to maximize eye contact with the camera.
Integrate slides and visuals gracefully. Reduce how many times you show a slide and then stop sharing so your image remains full screen. I am thrilled at how easy Prezy makes it to embed slides and graphics. You can see an example from my summary of Radical Candor for Unity Board. (Email info@jdschramm.com and I can set you up with a discount to explore this tool further.)
Avoid distracting backgrounds. This can range from making your bed to hiding electric cords and computer cables. I prefer to not use fake backgrounds as they pixelate around me when I gesture.
Know your intent. Most of all, close by letting the viewers know what you want them to think, say or do because of the video. Request the meeting, ask for support or request admission. Make it easy for them to take the next step with you.
These are the basics to ensure you are heard, understood and remembered by those who view your video. My USC Annenberg students recently showed me some remarkable higher-level video skills in their final projects. Once you have the basics down, you too can push your video mastery to a higher level, but today I just wanted to give you a primer on the fundamentals. If you create (or find) some great solo videos, please share them with me. Always looking for more examples to share.
JD’s Recommendations: what I’m reading, hearing, and seeing:
Reading: Kim Scott's book, Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity, is a practical guide for anybody who needs to give or receive feedback.
Hearing: Julio Alvarez expands his executive coaching with his new podcast Let’s Go With Julio. Give it a listen and become an inaugural subscriber.
Seeing: Chip Conley, founder of the Modern Elder Academy, shared his SXSW talk Get Ready for a 100-Year Life.
Thanks for enjoying my newsletter, if you have ideas for topics you’d like me to cover, drop me an email.
As always, jds
P.S. This week you likely saw my announcement of a discount for any Communication Matters subscribers who want to attend my Realize the Result one-day workshop. Join us for an incredible day to help you achieve mastery in your next presentation. We’re offering this April 26 in KC, May 24 in NYC and June 8 in SF.
LOL. Yes I remember VHS tapes. And we thought the quality was soooo good. Not so much today. Great tips JD. Definitely important to make your videos compelling. Thank you.