Most of you know I’ve chosen to be pretty transparent about my journey with addiction, depression, and suicide. That openness has not always been the case, but after I amassed a reasonable amount of distance from my dark night of the soul in June of 2003, I realized going public with my struggles might be helpful to others.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 10, has been designated by the World Health Organization as World Mental Health Day. As part of this effort, I’m participating in a very special conversation at 10 am Pacific Time with Sergeant Kevin Briggs, retired California Highway Patrolman known as the “Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge,” for the countless lives he saved on that iconic structure. This chat between a “survivor and a saver” will be moderated by Laura Putnam, a widely followed expert on well-being and workplace wellness. My ask of you today is to add this to your calendar and join us for this conversation.
Rather than put a great deal more in today’s newsletter, I’m including information about presentations I’ve made over the years about mental health maintenance and suicide prevention. While it feels a bit “self-promotional” to focus so fully on my own journey, I provide these links because it may just be the difference somebody needs to choose mental health over mental anguish. Listed below are a few ways to engage by reading, listening, or viewing my story. I hope you’ll consider participating in this critical discussion by sharing these items with others tomorrow. I regularly speak on this topic but never accept payment. It’s simply a part of how I give back to the world.
JD’s Recommendations: what I’m reading, hearing, and seeing:
Reading: As a passionate volunteer for Crisis Text Line, I wrote this Op/Ed entitled Supporting Other People’s Mental Health Changed My Own Life.
Hearing: Paula Fontenelle hosted me on her podcast with this episode: From Three Suicide Attempts to a Meaningful Life in December of 2021.
Seeing: In 2011, I made my first truly public sharing of my story in this TED Talk, Break the Silence for Suicide Attempt Survivors. It’s been viewed over 2 million times and translated into 43 languages.
Hoping you will join us for the LinkedIn Live conversation on 10-10 at 10 AM PT.
As always, jds
PS: Communication Matters will return to its regular focus on strategies to help you write and speak with greater mastery in my next edition. Thanks for engaging in this departure.
Thanks for sharing JD and the great work you are doing.