My experience with presence is listening. Yes you are talking when presenting but you are open to what's happening, you're allowing yourself to receive the audience. You do this in person or online. Have found this enables the audience to better connect with you.

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I loved "I Guess I Haven't Learned That Yet." In many ways, it inspired me to start the book I'm writing now! One thing I want to try doing is waiting longer before responding. Really sitting with the comment is being made, sensing my own responses, finding curiosity for what else might be underneath. One suggestion I read proposed waiting 20 seconds before responding when my kid brings up an issue... On good days I think I'm up to about 4 seconds so far!

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her second book is AMAZING too. So glad you liked it. 20 seconds pause...that feels like forever and would have a huge impact.

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JD, thank you for sharing this wonderful Chevvy Christmas ad. The video had me teary—at one level without knowing anything it would have been easy to dismiss it as "yet-another-holidays-nostalgia" ad, yet the storytelling centred around protagonists both of whom somewhat isolated (not present? left alone? ignored?) finding/re-connecting one another, done in an understated manner within the confines of a tv ad format was brilliant. It brought to mind, when we took care of, for a week, a friends mother who had Alzheimers.

The trick for all us, is to remember that being present starts with each of us.

ps. Karthik Srinivasan, former ad-man and now consultant, puts out on a near daily basis great storytelling ads on LinkedIn - might be worth checking out. https://www.linkedin.com/in/karts/

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thanks so much Sri. I will indeed check it out.

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